Month: June 2023

Blog Post 2

What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) is an educational approach that focuses on student-driven exploration and investigation of questions, problems, or scenarios. It emphasizes active learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Here are some key characteristics of Inquiry-Based Learning:

  • Student-Centered: Inquiry-Based Learning places students at the center of the learning process. Students take active responsibility for their learning and drive their own inquiries, investigations, and research.
  • Questioning and Curiosity: Inquiry-Based Learning starts with thought-provoking questions or problems that stimulate students’ curiosity and engagement. Students learn to generate their own questions, seek answers, and explore multiple perspectives.
  • Active Exploration and Investigation: Students actively explore and investigate the subject matter through hands-on activities, research, experiments, or real-world experiences. They collect data, analyze information, and draw conclusions to construct their understanding.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Inquiry-Based Learning often involves students working together in small groups or pairs. They share ideas, discuss research findings, and engage in meaningful discussions to deepen their understanding.
  • Authentic and Real-World Connections: Inquiry-Based Learning aims to connect learning to real-world contexts and authentic experiences. Students see the relevance of what they are learning and understand how it applies to their lives or the world around them.

Does or does IBL not align with the topic our group chose?

Inquiry-based learning and art therapy can complement and enhance each other, providing students with rich learning and developmental opportunities.Here are some ways in which inquiry-based learning supports art therapy:

  • Stimulating curiosity and self-exploration: Inquiry-based learning encourages students to ask questions, explore, and investigate. This active and self-directed learning process can stimulate students’ curiosity and desire for self-exploration, enabling them to delve deeper into their emotions and thoughts in art therapy.
  • Emotional expression and self-understanding: Art therapy provides a non-verbal way to express emotions and thoughts. By engaging in inquiry-based learning activities, students can use the process of artistic creation to explore and understand their emotions and thoughts in new ways and express them through their artworks.
  • Creative expression and imagination development: Both inquiry-based learning and art therapy encourage students to develop creative expression and imagination. By participating in inquiry-based learning and artistic activities, students can cultivate their creative thinking abilities, showcasing unique ideas and modes of expression.


 What Is Inquiry-Based Learning? Types, Benefits, Examples, March 14, 2023,    https://www.splashlearn.com/blog/what-is-inquiry-based-learning-a-complete-overview/

Learning, Motivation, and Theory

Throughout my entire learning process, I believe behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism have had a tremendous impact on my personal and professional growth as an educator.

Behaviorism focuses on the learner’s response to environmental conditions rather than actively discovering the environment. Most of the time, we learn through behaviorism. For example, when a teacher poses a question in the classroom, students react in that environment, regardless of whether their answers are right or wrong.

Cognitivism emphasizes the learner’s mental activities and the processes that guide their thinking. If I were a teacher, I wouldn’t consider this the best teaching method. It can help students activate their thinking and gain a deeper understanding of knowledge, thus making them more creative. However, they can also go in the wrong direction, so I believe providing students with more guidance is important.

Constructivism places a stronger emphasis on the interactive construction of personal experience and individual interpretations of the world. This is my favorite teaching approach because students learn new things through practice. When they gain sufficient experience, it helps them truly grasp that knowledge.

When I encounter many errors while coding, I try to solve the problems based on my own insights and experiences using constructivism. If that doesn’t work, I search for answers online. This process of learning and acquiring knowledge is similar to cognitivism.

My teaching style leans more towards behaviorism because it has influenced me since the beginning of my learning journey. When I was in middle school, my teachers educated me in this manner. They would explain key points in the classroom and then pose questions for us to answer. I particularly liked the teaching style of my English teacher. She would inform us the day before which words we needed to remember, and the next morning, we would have spelling tests. During class, she would ask us questions related to the subject matter for us to answer. This learning experience helped me develop good study habits.

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